Connect with Tarot

Spiritual Journey Through Tarot and Oracle

August 18, 2020

Deck used: Everyday Witch Tarot

Knight of Cups

“I follow wherever my heart leads.”

  • Passion is a wonderful thing, but be careful not to let your heart completely overrule your head.*
  • The knight of Cups is a romantic should; you might even say he is a fool for love. He tends to get wrapped up in his own dreams and visions, following them to the exclusion of the practical world. Whatever he is pursuing at the moment, he does it with his whole heart. But tomorrow his heart may turn to something new, and he will be just as passionate about that. The Knight of Cups isn’t shallow — far from it. He’s just following his bliss. Hopefully it won’t lead him off a cliff.*
  • Things to consider: If the Knight of Cups shows up in a reading, it may be a clue that you are dealing with someone with good intentions but not a lot of follow-through. That man who is wooing you madly? You might want to be a little cautious. Your child/friend/lover who comes to you with a fabulous can’t-fail scheme? Take a closer look before you get pulled into the fantasy. This doesn’t mean you can’t jump in and follow the Knight of Cups’ dream too; just make sure you don’t plan the rest of your life based on it. If this card represents you in a reading, it might be a suggestion that you are too wrapped up in your own hopes and dreams, too emotional to make a rational decision. Perhaps it would be a good time to step back and see if whatever you are so excited about–a lover, an idea, a plan for something grand–really stands up in the bright light of reality.*

The Sun

“Let the Sun Shine In”

  • It doesn’t get better than this.*
  • A bright yellow sun fills the sky. Underneath, wearing bright, gauzy clothing, three witches–a maiden (a budding young woman), a mother (hugely pregnant), and a crone (older but still spry)–dance in a circle. They are in the middle of a field of sunflowers, and three black kittens can be seen peering out from amongst the flowers; one even has a flower dangling from its mouth. The mood is celebratory and glorious, and why shouldn’t it be? This is the best day of their lives! What could be more wonderful than to dance in the warmth and light of the sun on a perfect day and in the perfect company? Not much, that’s what. Sometimes life gifts you with a moment, an hour, a day of joy and spontaneous celebration. Maybe you have a sudden breakthrough coming out of the clouds of uncertainty or depression. Maybe you are simply hit by one of those “ahhhhh” moments when everything seems to fall into place. Enjoy it because such times are rare and fleeting. Later you can deal with everyday issues, but for today, just dance!*
  • Things to consider: The Sun card is simple and completely positive. If it shows up in your reading, it is always a good sign. Did you ask a question? The Sun probably means the answer is yes, or maybe it is just a reminder to take time out to enjoy the good moments when they show up. When is the last time you celebrated something or danced for joy just because you could? Let the sun shine into your life, and joy is sure to follow.*

Four of Swords

“To sleep, perchance to dream…”

  • Are you resting or retreating?*
  • We all need to pull back from the world from time to time and take a break, catch our breath, and regroup. The trick is to know the difference between the lack of movement that is positive and beneficial, and the lack of movement that means we are stuck in a state of suspended animation.*
  • Things to consider: Depending on where this card falls in a reading, it may be a suggestion that you need to rest and refresh your spirit, giving yourself the time and space to renew body, mind, and spirit. Alternatively, it may indicate that you are stuck in a rut, spinning your wheels when you should be taking action. Are you tired and overwhelmed? Are you running away from making the tough choices or taking decisive action that you know is needed? Is there someone in your life who is holding you back or whole lack of action has a negative effect on your current circumstances? This card indicates that they are stuck and probably not going to change. Do you need a rest or a wake-up call?*

*From <Guide to eh Everyday Witch Tarot>