Connect with Tarot

Spiritual Journey Through Tarot and Oracle

June 25, 2019

Deck used: The Book of Shadows Tarot
  • Eight of Air: Meditation
    • You can do an important part of any magic: visualize. Clearly seeing your desired goal helps bring it into existence.*
    • Meditation has many uses, but it has traditionally been used to quiet the mind and allow us to hear the quiet voice of wisdom deep within. The wisdom of the Divine is in all things, including us. We just need to be quiet enough to hear it. The Eight of Air says to not underestimate the power of our mind. In this situation, the mind is the key. First, calm it; do not let it obsess. Second, focus it; decided the best way to employ its power. Finally, control it. Maintain connection to the Divine and keep it on task. The shadow side of this card indicates that the mind has rather gone amok. While thoughts are allowed to run rampant and out of control, they create chaos and havoc.*
    • Clarifying card: 9 of Chalices
      • People are having a party, having fun. The woman in the middle, surrounded by the happy people, in the noise, still finds the quiet time in herself, looks deeply into her desire, and makes a wish. Three “angels” surrounding her, protecting her from the evils in the world.
      • One of the first acts of magic every child learns is to “make a wish” when they blow out their birthday candles. This birthday girl seems to already have her wish, based on the happy and heartfelt companions around her.*
  • Crone of Earth
    • We focus on the Element of Earth when we seek security, boundaries, sensuality, growth, abundance, and pleasure. Earth provides stability and grounds us. It provides us strength and gives us somewhere to release unneeded or inappropriate energy. Earth is a very comfortable elemental. Be careful not to get too comfortable or stagnation may set in.*
    • The Crone of Earth lays the Earth to rest. Even the Earth must regenerate, and there is a time for everything in this life, including death.*
    • A woman, standing in the middle of snow, looking determined. She’s standing tall, and although she’s only wearing a short-sleeve dress, she’s not shivering. She looks strong. All will be fine.
    • Clarifying card: Queen of Chalices
      • A guy is consoling a women, who just got a bad news. Two angels are surrounding them and are looking as sad as her. There’s light and green trees just outside the window. Everything’s going to be okay.
  • IV. The Emperor: The God
    • One of the most common images of the God is the Horned God. The aspect is the God in what we would consider his “prime,” strong and determined.*
    • Strength, stability, certainty*
    • The horned god is holding one of his wolves. The wolf seems to provide him internal strength.
    • Clarifying card: Knave of Chalices
      • A guy, looking into his own reflection, with his hand in the water. Two angels are “flirting” around him. Two beautiful flowers floating on the same water. This seems to be the same guy who was consoling a woman on queen of Chalices card. Maybe I should focus on myself instead of trying to help other people.
  • Reflection
    • The answer is inside of me. I need to find quietness inside of myself. Go outside, and start looking for what I want. Be strong.

*From the companion guide