Connect with Tarot

Spiritual Journey Through Tarot and Oracle

March 2, 2021

Deck used: The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck, The Spirit Animal Oracle, The Good Tarot

What do I need to know this week?

16. Disruption

  • “A sudden, usually unforeseen disruption or major change is happening or is about to take place. Even if it appears to be a negative experience, it can lead to enlightenment or a total shift in your lifestyle.”*
  • “To be forewarned is to be forearmed. This Disruption Card is a reminder that negative thinking, limiting beliefs, ignoring problematic situations, and risky or careless lifestyles must be addressed so that positive changes can take place. Life has a habit of moving you forward whether you’re ready or not. Transformation of body, mind, and soul can happen if you view this dramatic time or change as an opportunity for growth. In the future, you may look back and be thankful for this opportunity.”*

Which spirit do I need to get  through this?

67. Wolf Spirit

  • “Turn knowledge into wisdom.”
  • “Wolf Spirit leads you deep into the enchanted forest that holds the secrets to your life. Can you sense her beckoning you to follow, asking you to take all you have learned and all you are learning and make it yours? Can you integrate it all into your body, mind, and spirit? Whatever lessons you learned along the way, do not leave them unexamined. Be loyal to your dreams, to your soul, and to turning knowledge into wisdom and experience into magic. You are the one you have been waiting for. Be still and know that the sound of your heart beats in harmony with the whole world. The appearance of Wolf Spirit is an auspicious omen that says you are truly in alignment with your destiny.”**
  • “What is unknown is still yet to be discovered. When Wolf Spirit appears, you are being told not to pretend you know something when you don’t. You won’t impress anyone with a little bit of knowledge. In fact you rob yourself of a true experience and education if you tell yourself you are done learning or you don’t have to know something. Be open, be humble, be teachable, and the world will open itself up for you like magic. Now is the time to look into the world with reverence and awe and an insatiable curiosity. You will never grow old if you are willing to keep learning. Wolf Spirit is waiting to be your mystical, loving guide.”**


What do I need to know today?

Ace of Fire

  • “Sprit-powered action, inspired transformation, access to co-creative power.”***
  • “When I feel my connection to Spirit, I see unlimited potential for transformation. There is no reason to fear because I am supported fully in imagining something new and daring to make it happen. This is the time to dream big. I can be bold and free because Spirit inspires keto turn my dreams into reality.”***

20. Call

  • “Purpose and true prosperity”***
  • “I’m being called to shift my perspective on my life now. When I remember I am first and foremost an immortal soul, experiencing life as a human being, I have no fear. I can see clearly that I am a powerful co-creator in a divine partnership with Spirit. Aligning myself with Spirit, remaining unattached to outcomes, I am a conduit for miracles.”***
  • This is where it all comes together. Ace of Fire says “access to co-creating power, spirit-powered action” and Call says “I am a powerful co-creator.” Not sure if all cards have connections like this, but this seems quite clear. There is a disruption in the air, because I am creating something new by turning knowledge into wisdom. With having been accepted to the fellowship last week, and onboarding this week. This reading is pointing that I am on the right path. Believe that I can!

*From <The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck Guidebook>

** From <The Spirit Animal Oracle Guidebook>

*** From <The Good Tarot Guidebook>