August 26, 2020
Deck used: Everyday Witch Tarot![](
Cards Drawn
King of Swords
“Look to me for answers from the head, not the heart.”
- Sometimes wisdom requires a cool head and the voice of experience.*
- The King of Swords is one cool customer. He is all about logic and reason, intrigued by ideas but not interested in fantasy. If you need wisdom, you should seek him out. But if you’re looking for a hug, you’d be better off going to the King of Cups or, you know, anywhere else. The King of Swords can help you when you need practical advice or a calm, clear head. Just don’t expect sympathy. All he wants is the facts, ma’am.*
- Things to consider: If the King of Swords shows up in a reading, like all the kings, he may represent a strong male figure, but one who is not emotionally involved with you. A boss, perhaps, or a mentor who teaches but doesn’t make a deeper connection. He is someone who supports you because you are in the right or because he feels it is his duty, but it’s not out of love or sentiment. That doesn’t mean you can’t accept the help he offers, just don’t mistake it for something it isn’t. If this card is in a position where it represents you, it may suggest that you are reacting from logic or practicality, without taking emotional issues into consideration. Or, just possibly, it is a reminder to keep your cool. *
Ace of Cups
“My cup runneth over.”
- You are clearly blessed; joy and fulfillment are yours for the taking. But don’t wait too long, for such moments can be fleeting.*
- Like the mythical cauldron of rebirth and renewal, the Ace of Cups offers love, peace, and healing. The witch on the card might be a village wise woman or she might be the goddess herself in disguise. There is no way of knowing. But if you are smart, you will accept the cup she offers you; it will almost certainly contain something powerful and amazing, and it will probably be just what you need in that moment. Drink deep while you can because such gifts are rare and fleeting, and there is not telling when such an opportunity will come along again.*
- Things to consider: The Ace of Cups is a fabulous card, representing a gift from the universe. There is no way to predict the form such a gift will take, but because it is a Cup card, it may well involve emotions and the spirit. Keep yourself open to grace and possibility, and when it appears, don’t let it slip past. Consider yourself blessed.*
Page of Swords
“Impulsive or intuitive? You decide.”
- I don’t need to know where I’m going to get there.*
- Look at this young witch, ready to hit the road in search of a new idea or a daring adventure. Ah, youth. It doesn’t really matter if he is prepared; he’s going anyways, and that’s okay. After all, everyone has to start somewhere. No doubt he’ll learn a lot on the journey. The only question is, will he learn it the hard way or easy way? No one really knows until they try.*
- Things to consider: The pages often represent a younger person, a child, or someone for whom you feel responsible. But, as we know, everyone is young at heart, so no matter what age you are, this card can also represent you if you are following an idea or beginning on the path to a new goal. The Page of Swords indicates a mixture of enthusiasm and uncertainty, coupled with determination to pursue the journey to its end, no matter where it leads. Just be sure that you aren’t following an idea just because it appeals to you on an intellectual (rather than emotional) level, but isn’t based in fact or practicality. There is such a thing as being too smart for your own good.*
17. The Star
“We are the light of the stars.”
- The Cosmos is also within us. We are made of star-stuff. (Carl Sagan)*
- A witch with flowing silver hair and a long silver gown stands under a dark sky filled with stars. She wears a circlet made of glowing stars, which also cover her dress. One hand is raised toward the sky, palm open, and light flows down from the sky into her palm like the northern lights. The other hand points to the ground, palm down, and that same multicolored light flows out into a pool of water by her feet. The water is blue but turns colors where the light joins it. Here is a guiding light in the dark, hope and tranquility, peace amid chaos. She will help lead you to a place of balance that will cleanse your spirit, and if you are fortunate, perhaps she will grant you a wish.*
- The stars have long been a sight that lifts our hearts; is there anything more beautiful than that bright spot of light in a dark sky? The Star is one of those rare cards that has no negative interpretations. If she shows up in your reading, accept her gifts with gratitude and appreciation.*
- Things to consider: The Star brings with it balance and hope, and a reminder that we all have a spark of the divine within us. As Carl Sagan said, we are all made of star-stuff. So while the Star promises us that we will find what we seek, it also reminds us to look within as well as without for the answers, and to let our light shine out into the world to illuminate the paths of others.*
- Two female cards are all good. The male cards drawn are both in the swords family. And it goes from a king to a page. Also, it ends on the major arcana. The female hope is very strong. Male is more logical and diminishing/regressing. Something to think about….
*From <Guide to the Everyday Witch Tarot>